Wps office 2016 Presentation E- Book.: (Explore Wps Office Presentation, Create, Save, Edit, Print Presentation, Adding Multimedia, Transition, Custom Animation Effect) - Kindle Edition

What is Wps office, how to install wps office, various application of wps office, Learn wps office professional basic, install wps office, create wps presentation commercial presentation, add slide animation , transition effect, multimedia presentation group for defined audience, adding graphic, animation, smart art tools, shape, picture, table, text box, header footer, sound, background music, movie, flash, chart, slide design, templates, color schemes, drawings, visual and more in slides access, change presentation slide view with slide master, notes and handouts master, configure slideshow, making speaker notes, wps office presentation completely multimedia feature full presentation design software, which is used and handle by many student, organization, marketing company, industry for showing or representing some useful information in shape of slide contain, graphic, picture, multimedia, animation, video, chart, shapes, clip art & more, all wps presentation main and supported application slide window tabs and menu describes in detail, additional attributes of using wps presentation cloud allows to store and access cloud storage all kind of wps document extension format.
Book elements
•What is Wps office, how to install wps office, various application of wps office suites 2016.
•Using wps presentation application to create various kind of multimedia presentation slides, notes page, handouts, create, save, modify, print slides in wps presentation 2016.
•Insert picture, shapes, chart, smart art tools, audio, video, theme, colors, custom animation slide transition effects, macros, embedded object & add developer ActiveX controls.
•Fill presentation object shape, text box, background, layouts, slide object, audio and video object manage actions settings and more.
•Apply presentation slide formatting’s, insert multimedia, animation, slideshow, review and view include special features controls.
•Dealing with all kind of license and open source document format, save in various format, export in various format multiple presentation extension support in wps.
•Share data & valuable information, remote connect and more in wps cloud storage features.
•Using wps cloud features for cloud storage of wps application created writer document, spreadsheet sheet, presentation slide, digital notes, publication, drawings, project & more.
•Free cloud online storage for storing and retrieving slides, publication or database document from anywhere, everywhere, with supported electronic gadgets in wps cloud application, you must have id to login.
